Saturday, March 28, 2020

Chemistry in Context - Things to Know About Chemistry in Context

Chemistry in Context - Things to Know About Chemistry in ContextChemistry in context often gets overlooked, but is critical to the well being of your child. It's a crucial part of the curriculum and can be used as a teaching tool for parents and educators alike.If your child is struggling emotionally, you need to pay attention to the lessons of the chemical world. It's not enough to know that there are many chemicals in the world, you need to know how they're related. These chemicals can cause changes in our bodies and reactions in our brain.Even if it is a subject you know very little about, it can still become an important one to your child, if they're spending a lot of time learning about other different aspects of chemistry. Learning how chemicals combine can also help them when they make decisions. This can be beneficial, even before they go to high school, as they will be able to appreciate the properties of each substance when they make decisions.Chemical reactions can also le ad to very simple and easy to recreate problems, so knowing about their types, their causes, and how they can be treated will give them a deeper understanding of the world. By having a better understanding of the various things in the world, they will learn how to communicate with others and they'll be more adept at handling stress.Chemistry is an art and involves knowledge of the different elements, such as oxygen, carbon, nitrogen, and the different compounds. They all come in varying ratios and react with each other in different ways. Understanding this can help students learn the different combinations and reactions of their own body chemistry.Teaching your child about chemistry in context is a skill that can be practiced during homework or in the classroom. You can look for ways to incorporate this into your child's learning or even teach them from home.As they grow older, they'll learn new things and realize that their education isn't complete without a thorough understanding of the chemical world. The things they learn in class can help them understand how to handle their emotions, their bodily processes, and how they respond to situations.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Six More Principles of Homework

Six More Principles of Homework Six more principles of homework are a succession to my Three Principles of Homework article. This article has been a huge success. Especially parents of elementary-school aged children found these three homework tips quite useful. They appreciated the concise and powerful advise. To summarize this article, here are these three principles again: 1. You cannot force your child, he must want to do it. 2. Your child probably does not like to do homework. 3. Your childs brain must engage. These three principles lay out a part of the theoretical foundation of doing homework. In this article we discuss six practical and workable principles which complement the first three. Principle 4: Establish a Work Routine. Work on homework at the same time every day. Whether it is right after your child returns home from school or after she had a break playing or texting with her friends. The important point is consistency of your routine. Most certainly let your child have a say on when this study time takes places. He or she can choose to study before or after dinner, or even to wake up early in the morning. Let her also know once the time is set we will stick to that schedule. Children thrive on structure even if they protest at first. It takes about 30 days for the routine to become a habit. Be persistent. When you study with your child on a regular basis you demonstrate the value of education to her. Remind your child about five minutes before the study time is approaching that it is time to start. Bring your childs current activity to an end. Clear the study table and prepare the books, supplies. Now it is time to begin. Principle 5: Offer Support for Hard Problems While it is crucial for your child to be doing the home work himself, there will come a time when he is stuck on a problem. If she says mommy, I cant do this. you respond act as if you can. Let your child visualize solving the homework task. Then she will give it another try and hopefully succeed the second time. If she still cant cope with the problem, offer help by asking rather than on telling. These are examples of questions to ask: What parts do you understand? Can you give me an example? How can you find out? On the other hand, if you child is on her way to succeeding with the task leave the immediate area. If she completes the homework item she just scored a huge success: a growth experience, success while facing adversities. Principle 6: Love and Praise are Worth More than Money Often, parents reward her students with ice cream, a new toy or money. While kids certainly do respond to incentives, this type of reward is more like bribery, thus has only short term gains. Yet, your child does not develop the joy of learning from material incentives. A better reward system is your attention, love and praise. Make verbal comments that focus on describing a specific thing done well. For example: You followed the directions exactly and finished in 10 minutes. I notice you stayed up late last night working on your term paper. I know it wasnt easy, but your efforts got it done. All your letters are right between the lines. Ill bet your teacher will like your writing. Principle 7: Establish a Positive Environment Noise from the street, neighbors or somebody talking on the phone are a real distraction from the study. Make sure the TV is off, the windows are closed (unless no noise comes from the outside). Put otherwise important tools outside of reach or even better out of sight from your student. Or else he will be reminded how nice playing games would be right now or whether he already got a text message from his best friend. Have all text books, supplies or tools ready on the table. If you have to look for it while solving a problem it can break your childs concentration. Make the environment beautiful such as having plants or flowers near by the desk. Or put your favorite mantra symbol on the counter, perhaps a statue of Buddha or your sons favorite comic book character. Principle 8: Be a Role Model While your student is working on the home work get some of your own responsibilities handled. Do the dishes, fold laundry, or write thank you notes. Perhaps you have started to learn Spanish or to began to learn another computer application? This is the time for you to study also. Just make sure youre not working on the hardest computer app. Tackle an easy task so that you can interrupt yourself to check about the progress of your student. By doing so you create an atmosphere of industry and shared dedication to ones own work. Principle 9:  Hire a Tutor Another important consideration is the whether you should hire a tutor or not.  Good reasons are: The concept of the homework exceeds your knowledge level You and your child had a big fight. Tutors are  trained in the art of homework. Your tutor typically arrives in regular intervals.  This makes principle 4 easier. You can choose your own tutor from the list of reliable and pier-reviewed tutors:

20 Tips For New Tutors (Part II) - TutorNerds

20 Tips For New Tutors (Part II) - TutorNerds Twenty Tips For New Tutors (Part II) Twenty Tips For New Tutors (Part II) Use Official Practice Material When Possible Barron’s and Peterson’s and Kaplan and many, many more third-party companies supply their own study materials for standardized tests and common class subjects.   You might find some of these materials to have an exceptional quality that is very helpful for your situation.   Unfortunately, this is not often the case.   There is a lot of money for these groups that sell new additions of all of their preparation products each year to desperate students, and I’ve found many cases of even the more popular names utilizing unethical practices in their material (such making diagnostic tests too hard to make you think you need more help, teaching too much material to pad extra pages or note cards, and purposefully grading material too harshly to guarantee that real test scores are an improvement).   Do yourself a favor and avoid the risk by finding any official study material that is from the same company that makes the test you are preparing for book your private Costa Mesa tutor from TutorNerds. Teach with Variety and Find What Works You are likely aware that many people lean more dominantly towards a typical type of learning style.   The most commonly heard types are “visual learnings,” “auditory learners,” and “physical learners.”   These reference students who do best by seeing something done, hearing it explained and doing it themselves, respectively.   In practice, I find that students don’t often fall into such simple, cookie-cutter categories, but it is important to vary your style and use a variety of methods until you find what works best for each student.   Don’t be afraid to use new tactics like drawing pictures, having students re-teach examples back to you, or creating fun mnemonics to help them learn. Go Back and Check Old Material I find reviewing previous lessons to be essential for any subject that will have a cumulative test, or that will lead to sequential classes.   This means that I will keep track of what we are learning each week, and I will periodically quiz them with a few questions from everything we’ve learned so far.   This will help make sure they retain the important information (it is easier to learn it and do some practice to maintain the knowledge rather than learning, forgetting, then relearning), and it will get them used to take impromptu cumulative assignments that cover a variety of topics. If You Know What’s Important, Focus on It If you are teaching math to an 8th grader getting ready for high school, you have the distinct advantage of knowing exactly what that 8th grader will ultimately learn in high school math classes.   This means you also know what material won’t be important for high school.   Use this knowledge to review and expand their knowledge in the areas that will help them the most in the future.   Don’t jeopardize their success in their current class because you are teaching them things for the future, but you should emphasize the important topics whenever possible.   I also find that students tend to focus more when I tell them which things will be important for next year. Get Them Ahead When Possible Similar to the previous point, you should be using any extra time to get your student ahead in their studies.   Students consistently come back to me pleased when they go over something in class that we had already practiced and got a head start on.   This is because they will likely do well on the topic in class, thus boosting their confidence and helping them feel smarter in school because they are better at the topic.   Getting a student ahead has many benefits, but I’ve found the most important are the benefits to their confidence and their overall enjoyment of the subject; everyone likes to be good at something and better than their peers. Read part one here. Book your experienced Costa Mesa tutor today! Michael C. is currently a private math, science, and standardized test tutor with TutorNerds in Irvine and Anaheim. All blog entries, except for guest bloggers, are written by Tutor Nerds. Are you an education professional? If so, email us at for guest blogging and collaborations. We want to make this the best free education resource in SoCal, so feel free to suggest what you would like to see us write.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Maple Bear Canadian Schools, Zhengzhou, China

Maple Bear Canadian Schools, Zhengzhou, China Maple Bear Canadian Schools, Zhengzhou, China The Maple Bear program is owned by MapleBear Global Schools Ltd. and the program is based on current Canadian education practices. The program is aimed at offering high quality education to children worldwide. MapleBear Global Schools Ltd. owns over 200 schools in 11 countries including MapleBear schools in Zhengzhou, China and is still growing. For more information, please visit: MapleBear Zhengzhou has been in operation since August 2009, and it currently offers full-time pre-school, part-time pre-school and part-time elementary programs. Philosophy: Educate the whole child with child-centered approach; Implement Canadian immersion style of English and Chinese education; Children learn best through experimenting and exploring. Mission Statement :Prepare the children to be lifelong learners in a safe, secure and stimulating environment while providing Canadian based ECE education that mixes the best of both Chinese and Western education practices. MapleBear Zhengzho u is like a big family composed of staff, children and their families across multiple schools around the city. We strive together to create a warm welcoming atmosphere for our children, their families and staff. We feel strongly that it is both our professional duty and moral responsibility to ensure our school is a nurturing and caring educational environment for our children which we work together to create. Presently MapleBear Zhengzhou has six schools in operation. And we are also looking forward to opening an elementary school next year. We welcome dedicated teachers joining on our team!

How Can a Public School Offering Free Tutoring Help Students Enroll For Classes?

How Can a Public School Offering Free Tutoring Help Students Enroll For Classes?Free tutoring in Oklahoma is available for middle school students. Though this practice is relatively new, it does not mean that the schools and teachers do not have the resources to offer tutoring services to students.Students enrolling for middle school classes may be a little nervous about this because their classmates may have already learned most of the concepts taught in the class. But a variety of techniques can be used to make sure that students are prepared before they take the final test. Some of these techniques include the use of written assignments, face-to-face tutoring, class presentations, tests, and timed tests.Students who may be attending high school may benefit from some tutoring as well. There are courses available for students who have not gone to a traditional middle school or high school. A student will need to check with the schools or departments in which they will be attending t o see if a tutoring program is available.In Oklahoma, classes for middle school students are offered through local school districts. The schools provide the courses, but the teachers also need to make sure that students are well-prepared. They can offer a variety of activities, including teacher-student conferences and quiz competitions to encourage study habits.Middle school students are supposed to graduate from high school before they go off to college. A university can make this easier for them by offering support services such as financial aid and advising. This is the first step to getting a college education, so it would be beneficial for the student to know what is involved when applying for a scholarship.Students will also need to decide which college they want to attend and if they are interested in taking additional courses after they get their diploma. Several programs exist to help students choose the right college for them. One such program includes getting college adv ice from professional tutors.Online lawton ok tutoring is available for many different types of courses and can be helpful to students. However, all programs have to meet certain standards, and some of them may not be suitable for all students.

Math Help For Algebra - Adds These Tips to Your Math Classwork

Math Help For Algebra - Adds These Tips to Your Math ClassworkIf you are looking for ways to increase your math skills, then you will want to find math help for algebra. Math help for algebra is going to be your best friend if you ever have to try to do any kind of advanced math in school or in college.Math help for algebra is one of the best ways to help you learn the skills necessary to perform math calculations. You do not need to be at a great degree of proficiency to perform math calculations. It will be enough that you will be able to accomplish the basics so that you can move on to more advanced and challenging topics.Some people who are just beginning to learn math do not have a lot of time to devote to the subject. The fact is that they will be able to excel and learn at the same time if they have some math help for algebra. They are going to be able to do much better in their math classes if they know the basics.There are many teachers out there who are going to assume that all of their students are at the current level of knowledge in math. If you have a teacher who is not giving you the tools that you need to succeed, then you need to find some math help for algebra that will help you get the knowledge that you need to compete in your math classes.Most students who are struggling in their math classes will have used mathematics to solve problems in the past. They may have used formulas, graphs, and images to aid them in their math courses.If you want to maximize your potential, then you will want to use mathematics to your advantage. You will want to develop the kinds of skills that you cannot teach or understand in school.Math help for algebra is one of the best ways to use mathematics to your advantage. You will be able to make your math courses more challenging and effective for you if you take some time to learn how to use math to your advantage.

Top 3 Reasons to Be the Bosss Pet (Isnt That Better Than the Alternative) - Introvert Whisperer

Introvert Whisperer / Top 3 Reasons to Be the Boss’s Pet (Isn’t That Better Than the Alternative) - Introvert Whisperer Top 3 Reasons to Be the Boss’s Pet (Isn’t That Better Than the Alternative?) Power-Influence-Office Politics: it comes down to your Strategic Relationships and understanding of how you build each one of these elements. I want to help you accelerate your career by connecting you with your Free Instant Access to my video that outlines all of this and meaningful actions you can take today!  Start watching now by clicking here! Brought to you by Dorothy Tannahill-Moran â€" dedicated to unleashing your professional potential. Introvert Whisperer